AHH I’m trying to catch up! We totally went from pretty relaxed weeks to crazy hectic weeks with soo much going on in one day I couldn’t possibly fit it into one blog.
SO the question is do I talk about the day o’ green or gymnastics?
Since I didn’t get gymnastic pictures I’m going with the day o’ green. First I do want to state a pet peeve. There is a sign on a store – a big store – by our house that says “Now Open til’ 10:00 PM”. Do you see it?! The horrible use of the ‘ in the word til. Hey people running a store…if you are going to make a sign know that an apostrophe is used (in this case) to show where a letter was removed…like runnin’ or don’t. The “til” stands for until…which means the un was removed… so please fix your sign and do it right ‘til.
Anyway, back to St Patty’s Day. We headed down (up?) to Riverside for some long overdue time with the Keys’, Webster’s and Pfeffer’s. Now it never fails that when we make these trips to Riverside what should be a 45 minute drive always turns into 1.5 – 2 hour long drive because people don’t know how to drive on the 91 freeway or we have a kid vomiting in the back seat or its raining. For you non-Californians reading – Californians don’t know how to drive in the rain. It’s like the second a single drop of rain falls we all forget how to drive. Seriously, within minutes of any rain there is an accident on every freeway (this is not a fact just a guess based on experience).
Anyway, wow I am sure getting off topic really easy. We headed to the Keys’ for some Irish food and not so Irish fun. I’m pretty sure none of us are Irish, but I may be wrong. The food was amazing, the kids were crazy, and the conversations were fun. I say that’s a Win – Win – Win. Now I’m not only getting off topic I’m saying lame things. Forgive me!
We had fun. The kids were particularly rambunctious which caused a lot of havoc. I’m 99% sure my kids were the instigators and would not blame the Keys’ for declaring the Davis ’ children banned from certain rooms in their house or the house completely. I’m not opposed to leaving them outside…
Some interesting things to note of the night?
1. Elijah went potty in the toilet (3rd time so far!)
2. Jordan poured soap onto a mirror and convinced Brendan it was a good idea to taste some
3. After said soap tasting Brendan proceeded to remove the fluid from his body via his mouth into his mother’s hands
4. Sammy boldly announced his denial of Jordan via his new attachment to Taylor
5. Pear with Cream Cheese filling and Jello is amazingly yummy
6. There are way too many apps for phones
And that was our day o’ green. Enjoy some pictures. And yes, my kids are not wearing green because apparently we don’t own any green in our house.
Yeah...you try to get 10 kids to sit still for a picture!

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