
Monday, September 30, 2013

So Sayith Tay, Jay, and Eli #1

Buck Baker: If mommy and daddy where super heroes what would there powers be?

Taylor: It will be flying and fireballs and pushing bad guys away when they are too close.

Jordan: Fireballs and waterballs.

Elijah: His power would be a bad guy.

Jennifer Baker: Yay blog night is back! if you only had one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would want to eat? 

Taylor: Ice cream.

Jordan: Juice grapes.

Elijah: God.

Jennifer Baker: What is the your favorite day of the week and why? 

Taylor: My favorite day of the week was when I was at purple because I like being at purple.

Jordan: Uh, Taylor doing her earrings.

Elijah: Going to the ballet to get chocolate.

Jennifer Baker: What is your favorite game to play with your family?

Taylor: I like playing with my dad CubeWorld.

Jordan: Wreck it Ralph

Elijah: Tickets.

Sam Welbaum: If you were a hot dog...and you were hungry...would you eat yourself?

Taylor: I would another hot dog.

Jordan: mmhmm

Elijah: No. I don't want to.  It would make me sick.

Brittany M: What does a unicorn look like? 

Taylor: Um it has a horn on its head and um it has four legs and a body and a tail.

Jordan: Uh, butter.

Elijah: Um..

Brittany M:  What's the worst and best day of the week and why? 

Taylor: The worst one is when I twisted my friend's arm. My best is when I was on purple.

Jordan: My worst day of the week is having a dream of Taylor pooping on me.  Having ice cream with mommy.

Elijah: Getting some chocolate and cimonon.

Brittany M:  How much does a car cost?

Taylor: A lot.  I mean can we do a new one? I mean its expensive.

Jordan: One hundred dollars.

Elijah: God, Yeehaw!

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