
Monday, September 17, 2018

Around the [Country] in 80 Days (more like 140)

Hello my friends!  I was feeling all nostalgic the other night as my kids were flipping through a photo album of our year in 2013 with some friends.  Mostly I was realizing that my plan to complete an album every year had pretty much stopped 3 years ago so I needed to get back on that.

So I jumped on my computer and began prepping/organizing my photos.  THEN I came across our summer photos for the last 2 years, like these gems:

I did thoroughly enjoy our last 2 summers of travel. Like a lot.  There were moments of tears and yelling, but overall it was just fantastic.  A sweet time of seeing some amazing things, some amazing people, and doing it all as a family.

So nostalgia was the start of this. There was also the fact that I've been asked by a few (3 to be exact so nothing all crazy) for our itinerary for this last year because they wanted to do a similar trip.  This got me thinking...

Maybe other people want some ideas of places to see or stay around the US.  Maybe people want to hear about our car nearly falling apart on a horrible dirt road, or Jordan vomiting in the back seat (FYI we now know she gets motion sick), or the freak thunderstorm that prevented a hike.  So, why not blog it?

Admittedly, I will be leaving out 2017 trip because that was way too long ago to remember (it was also not technically part of our plan to hit all 50 states in 8 years).  I also expect that most of 2018 will be missing some fun and/or important details because that was so 2 months ago and who can remember that far back?  BUT I'll start it.  One day at a time with as much as I can remember, lots of pictures, and the nitty gritty details (miles traveled, cash spent, and itinerary). Because yes, I totally made spreadsheets and print outs for the entire trip because I'm hyper-organized (aka anal) like that.

So stay tuned!

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