Today we met with Olive Crest. Although it sounds like it should be some sort of delicious tapenade, which sounds amazingly delicious right now, it is in fact an agency that is partnering with us to make us a family of 6.
The countdown has begun.
In 3-6 months we will be approved and start the waiting process. Assuming we aren't deemed insane or dangerous... so no guarantees. Holy cow!
We are very much OVER babies. To all my friends that have them, we are happy to babysit for you anytime. But over are the days of never sleeping in, potty training, changing diapers, and worrying about every exposed cable or button in sight. Which means we want an older child. A boy between ages 6-8 to be exact.
And we found out today that it is not only possible, but can happen quicker than we expected. I had we were going to do a foster-to-adopt situation. That is the "normal" way things work when adopting through the county (not private). The foster process usually lasts 12-18 months (time for reconciliation so the child can go back home with their family, which is obviously the goal). THEN the adoption process would start which can be another 12 months. BUT since we are looking for an older child we could actually bypass the foster process.
What I mean is, the child would have already been with a foster family for 12-18 months. The court would have decided reconciliation is not possible and ordered the adoption process to start which means the child must be placed in a adoptive situation (aka our house).
Hearing that today has me excited, but feeling super guilty about that excitement. In order for us to have a child placed with us that kid has to go through a lot of crap. It feels weird being excited about that. Obviously the crap isn't what I'm excited about, but I feel the need to remind myself that adoption for these kids isn't how it is "supposed" to be. But we are ready (well getting ready) to give this kid a stable, although some what crazy, life as part of Team Davis.
Pray for us please. There is no fund raising needed (it will be 'free' to adopt through Olive Crest), just lots of prayers for what I know will be a difficult time as we wait. Wait to find out if we are approved. Wait to find a child to welcome to our home. Wait to make him part of our family.
For now, paper work, buying emergency escape ladders, fire extinguishers, and locks for all dangerous things.
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