
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Is It Time Yet?

When something “exciting” is coming I begin planning way to early.  I sit here realizing its only November 14th and I so desperately want to start the planning (and invites) for what we’ve decided to call Happy HoliDavis.

“We” is Sam and I (or is it me?) since Justin was rather indifferent.  In many parts of our lives Sam is pretty much a Davis.

What is HoliDavis you ask? I am so very glad you asked.  I honestly stole the idea from Kurt and Ali Blake since they have “Blakesgiving” every year a little before Thanksgiving (which I am very excited to enjoy in just a few days)…I figured I should do the same, but a little before Christmas.

So to restrain myself accept this as your non-formal invite to HoliDavis on 12/15.  If you were there last year…you’re invited again.  If you were not there last year and feel like you should have been you are also probably invited.

Yes it is far to crowded in my apartment.

Yes parking is a nightmare since there is no “guest” parking and everyone has to park a few blocks away and walk.


Yes there will be good grub.

Yes there will be fun games.

Yes there will be laughing.

And what I am most exited about… Yes there will be yummy homemade treats to take home as “goodie” bags (And don't worry Jen and Buck - yours will be shipped to FL).

I want to plan NOW!  I want to invite people NOW! I love my friends and am so very excited to share HoliDavis with them.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could come! You had such fun games last year!
