
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Birth Stories

As I think more and more about the new baby coming I wonder if this experience will be different then the last. If you are interested... here are the stories of the girl’s births:

Warning: May have too much detail for some people!


On January 11, 2007 I woke up at about 9 AM and like most mornings really had to use the bathroom! The odd thing about this morning was that I seemed to had lost some control and peed on myself a little on the way. It was a weird feeling though, like it just flowed out instead of being pushed out. Within that hour I had take several trips the bathroom all with the same outcome. I noticed one of the times that the “urine” seemed to be an odd color as well. That’s when I thought maybe my water had broken, but I wasn’t having any contractions at all, so I couldn’t be in labor yet. I called the doctor’s office and told them what I had been experiencing and the nurse said it sounded like my water had broken and I should go to the hospital even if I wasn’t have contractions yet.

Since I was not having contractions I took my time getting my things together, notifying my friends/family, and even taking a shower and shaving (or trying to) before heading to the hospital.

I arrived somewhere around 1 pm. Since I seemed to be in no pain and not having contractions yet the hospital seemed to take their time as well getting me settled in. I had to be “tested” first to make sure that I could stay at the hospital. The nurse hooked me up to a machine to check for contractions and did my exam.

She told me my water had broken and there was meconiumin the fluid (the baby pooped in there) which can cause problems at birth if she breaths any in. She also asked how I would rate the contractions I was having. I told her that I wasn’t having any yet and she laughed and said yes you are. She showed me on the machine the little spikes and I told her the most I was feeling was what I thought was just random side cramps (like you feel after running a mile and not stretching). She also told me I was 4 centimeters and 100% effaced which meant it was “active” labor. I was a little shocked, but glad to know that it seemed to be moving fast.

By 3 pm we were in the delivery room (we being me, Justin, my Dad, my Mom, and my best friend Sarah). I had an IV with antibiotics because of some bacteria thing I had tested positive for about a week prior. Within an hour I started to really feel the contractions! I remember thinking that I rather enjoyed the time when I was in labor and didn’t know it over that! Because I seemed to be progressing so quickly I wanted to try to avoid any pain meds if possible (which worked!)

Around 6:30 pm I was ready to push. I didn’t do very good at this part though. I did a lot of pushing and didn’t make much progress. I pushed until past 8 pm before I figured it out. Taylor Rowyn Davis was born on January 11th, 2007 around 8:30 pm (it’s sad, but I don’t remember the exact time). She was 6 pounds 6 ounces and healthy as can be! I had been very anemic and had 2 units of blood the following day so we stayed at the hospital for two days before taking her home.


I woke up in the morning of October 27th, 2008 to a large gush in my bed. This time I knew it was my water because it came out quickly as opposed to how it was with Taylor. I woke Justin up and told him my water had broken. I did not “feel” the contractions yet, but I knew they were there. We headed to the hospital with my dad and sister this time leaving Taylor with my Mom and arrived around 10 am. After that I’m not really sure about any of the times haha! But I can tell you the process.

I had to get “examined” again to make sure I was in labor and that my water had broken. My water did break and again there was meconiumin in the fluid. I was 3 centimeters and 80% effaced. They usually don’t admit you until 4 centimeters, but because of the water breaking and the fact that I needed antibiotics again they gave me a room. This time the labor seemed much slower and a lot more painful! Around 6 centimeters I was so tired (poor night of sleep and not eating anything) that they did give me something in my IV to relax me. It definitely did not take away the pain, but made me sleepy between so I could at least rest (not sleep because the contractions were hard and fast!)

Memorable moment for this one… Sam brining Justin a cheeseburger for lunch and Justin eating it in the room while I starved ::sigh::.

Around either 6 or 8 (I can’t remember which, I just know it was in the evening and it was an even number) I felt the urge to push. I had been check a little earlier and only been at 8 centimeters so the nurse didn’t think it was time, but upon request check me to find it was time! One problem, there were NO doctors available.

She told me there were 4 other women delivering (actually pushing) at that moment and they had no doctors available. She told me to wait. If you have ever had a baby you know you CANT wait. It’s like asking somebody to just stop breathing. Your body just does it! The pain of having contractions AND controlling the urge to push was the worst experience ever. Finally a doctor came in. I pushed for about 15 minutes and out came Jordan Ilana Davis. 6 pounds 5 ounces. My anemia was of course making its appearance, but they monitored me this time and did no give me a transfusion. (Praise Jesus!) We went home just a couple of days later.

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